The Rolls-Royce Cullinan SUV is currently being thoroughly tested around the world in all sorts of scenarios, in a collaboration with National Geographic dubbed ‘The Final Challenge‘. This will see the British brand’s first SUV being taken through some interesting terrains, from the Scottish Highlands to the Arab deserts and then all the way over to the US. As it turns out, the guys in charge of this impromptu testing session have just arrived in the United Arab Emirates.

As it is probably customary for any Rolls-Royce arriving in the UAE, the car was taken to Dubai first, to experience the extreme heat over there after driving through cold Scotland for a couple of days. As the National Geographic photographer involved in this ordeal puts it: going from Scotland to Dubai is like jumping from an ice bath to a hot shower. The weather might have adverse effects on the people but it definitely doesn’t seem to cause the Cullinan any side effects.

The dynamic duo inside the Cullinan didn’t waste any time and got to testing right away. Martin, the driver, knew a local who Rolls-Royce works with constantly to test cars in the harshest of conditions and he is seemingly going to be their guide for a couple of days. From the get go, Masal, the local, showed them exactly what dunes to tackle in the desert and some stunning shorts emerged with the car throwing sand everywhere.

Of course, it was all edited but it will be interesting to see how the Cullinan handles sand once the production version comes out.  After all, the United Arab Emirates are known to probably have the highest density of Rolls-Royce models in the world and an SUV wouldn’t be a bad idea either, to compensate for the Wraiths and Phantoms which are already rolling on the streets of Dubai.