The holidays are upon us and we’d like to take the time to wish you all Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas to those who celebrate them. 2018 has been arguably our busiest year in our twelve years existence, one filled with lots of test drives, auto shows, special events and countless BMW photoshoots. We posted nearly 3,000 articles with exactly 1,217,234 words written to date, and we hope that every single one brought you the BMW information you crave.
None of those accomplishments would have been possible without your support, your guidance, feedback and often warranted criticism. We strive every year to improve our writing, our photos, videos and social media postings. We know you hold us to high standards so we work hard to meet your media standards.
Your daily support is what fuels our team and our desire to produce BMW stories that can be shared with all of you. Being a fairly small, yet amazingly productive team, we sometimes sacrifice our personal time to be available every day of the year.
But it’s not about us today, it’s really all about you, and we hope you’re having a great holiday and some amazing days off with your family, loved ones and friends, and we want you to take the time to decompress, relax and enjoy some offline time as well.
We also wish all the best to the BMW Group and its amazing teams, from the communication staff to the engineers and top bosses, their support for us and other media and news outlets has always been offered with the highest level of professionalism.
For those of you that are like us news aficionados, don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. We will continue to write articles every day and bring you some year-end news.
Thank you once again, from the entire BMWBLOG team and contributors: Nico, Gabriel, Chuck, James B, James C, Vanja, Hugo and Horatiu.