America’s 243rd Independence Day is celebrated today, July 4, 2019. Americans know how to celebrate this special day in the history. American adults will spend about $1 billion on beer alone – that’s roughly the same amount that is spent on fireworks.

Americans will also spend $6.7 billion on hot dogs, hamburgers and other picnic provisions, according to a separate report by the National Retail Federation, down from $6.94 billion last year.

But this holiday is not all about food and drinks, it’s also about spending some quality time with your friends, family and loved ones.

Many will proudly wear red, white and blue clothes and hang up their flags. It’s also a day when many car aficionados get together to showcase their beautiful cars and interact with others.

We encourage every American here in the U.S. or overseas to take some time off and enjoy it with their family and friends.

While we’ll be enjoying the day with our families and friends, there will still be some BMW news for those of you that can’t go a day without your BMW fix.

And if you have any cool 4th of July photos with BMWs, please feel free to send them to our social media channels and we will gladly share them!