BMWBLOG is happy to announce a new addition to our network of our websites dedicated to the BMW community: Built on the principle of online classifieds, BMWBLOG and BimmerList strive to innovate one more time and offer the BMW fans and businesses, an online medium to buy or sell cars, regular and performance parts, wheels, tires, suspensions, exhaust systems and much more.

We simply called it “The Ultimate Classifieds for BMW Fans”.

We are opening BimmerList to everyone, from private parties to dealerships and other businesses, in line with our goal to connect everyone and offer a single online place where even rare BMW vehicles or parts can be found. In the end, BMW fans and owners will come to value more an E30 with 30,000 miles that pops up out of nowhere on BimmerList, and hopefully, it will speed up the buy or sale. But make no mistake, we are also trying to offer to those new to the brand a place where they can simply search through a large inventory of BMWs and even ask questions that hopefully our community and sellers can answer.


Certain listings will be cross-referenced on in predefined, highly visible positions, therefore more exposure and value to those that are looking to sale, bu also, an easier way for buyers to find the deals they are looking for.


Initially for 30 days, will be FREE of charge and everyone is welcome to take advantage of this introductory period to list their cars or parts. After this initial period of time, BimmerList will move towards a LOW flat fee rate model that will vary from one category of listings to another. Bulk listings packages will be offered as well, based on on individual needs.


Why BimmerList and how does it work?

  1. BimmerList will simply use a Craigslist model where we are simply providing an online medium where transactions can be listed, but WITHOUT any involvement in our part in the sales negotiations or pricing. All the transactions will be handled solely by the buyers and seller.
  2. By offering a flat fee pricing approach, we would like to build a quality inventory of listings that will be free of spam and actually provide value to those that would like to sell. Buyers will NOT be charged for any transactions.

As with any new project, we are still in a beta stage, therefore some functionality could be added or removed, so your input will be appreciated. We are also refining our categories listings and if you believe we are missing any or need a different structure, please, feel free to let us know and we will consider your input.

We hope you will join us in this new adventure and also, help us spread the word and build the largest online classifieds for the BMW community.

Thank you and welcome!