Video: EVE.RYN BMW i8 Dark Knight Edition Looks Insane

Video: EVE.RYN BMW i8 Dark Knight Edition Looks Insane

Tuning shops from around the world have historically pushed to get the most out of the cars customers were interested in. Usually, a tuner creates a package that enhances the performance of a particular model and makes…

Road trip to Oregon aboard a BMW i8

Road trip to Oregon aboard a BMW i8

A journey through the years need not be a prosaic one, make room for personal indulgences and dreams, dreams that are to be chased and dreams that are to be realized. If one day you’re…

VIDEO: MotoMan drives 2017 BMW i3 REx (94 Ah)

Video: New Ad Shows BMW i3 Tiptoeing Inside a Library

The BMW i3 might not be to everyone’s taste as it comes with a rather unconventional design. However, leaving its looks out of the equation, it’s hard not to recognize the technology advancements it brings…

Dubai Police Force gets a BMW i3 in the fleet

Dubai Police Force gets a BMW i3 in the fleet

The Dubai Police Force is known for its impressive fleet of supercars, one that would make jealous even the biggest car collector in the world. Supercars like the Ferrari FF, Mercedes SLS-AMG, Bugatti Veyron, Mercedes…