Tesla Model S P90D

VIDEO: BMW M4 vs Tesla P90D Rolling Drag Race

If you haven’t already heard of Tesla’s “Ludicrous Mode” of acceleration, do a quick YouTube search and you’ll see hundreds of videos of Tesla Model S P90D owners basically blasting off into the stratosphere. While…

A Test of Tech: BMW 730d vs Tesla Model S P90D

A Test of Tech: BMW 730d vs Tesla Model S P90D

These two have been butting heads so much lately I almost feel like putting them both in timeout. Tesla and BMW have thrown verbal and technological jabs at each other ever since BMW’s i Division…

Drag Race: BMW M4 vs. Tesla Models S P85D

BMW M4 takes on the Tesla Model S P85D in a rolling-start drag race. At a first glance, the drag race seems to be far from being fair; the BMW M4, powered by a 3.0…